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ASTOR Skinmatch Blush (in English and Croatian)

My dear reader(s),

today I am writing a review about Astor Skinmatch Blush, which impressed me and showed that blush can stay longer on my skin than just 2 or 3 hours. Earlier I was using Loreal, Catrice, Essence, but not one of them is as good as this one, atleast for me.
Now let's get started:

Blush comes in a very solid black plastic package, sealed so no one can touch. (there is a tester in store) The packaging is very good quality. I have this blush more than 2 months I think, and nothing has changed, I can still hear the klick when I close the blush, so I can know the product is save.

You also get a little brush and a mirror, which is nice, and if you are running and do not have time, it can serve you well. 

My shade is 003 Berry Brown.

I am applying it with my Body&Soul make up brush for blush and it works beautifully. 

It is easy to apply, you do not need too many product, texture is silky and powdery at the same time.
Pigmentation of this blush is amazing, you can just apply it once on your make up brush, then apply it on your face and you are done. That is how it is easy. You do not need repeat the process many times.

It does not change during the day. 

Price: 8-10 €

For me, this is a go to blush, it is affordable, easy available, and it stays long on skin. 

I recommend this blush to everyone :-)

Have you tried this blush? And do you want to? Which blush is your best blush ever?

Thank you for reading. Have a nice day. xo, Thea

Dragi citatelju,

danas pisem recenziju o Astor Skinmatch rumenilu, koje me zadivilo i pokazalo mi da rumenilo na mom licu ipak moze da traje duze od 2 ili 3 sata. Prije sam koristila Loreal, Catrice, Essence ali nijedno od njih nije bilo dobro kao ovo, barem meni.
Sada idemo konkretno na recenziju:

Rumenilo dolazi u poprilicno cvrstom crnom plasticnom pakovanju, zalijepljeno tako da ga nitko ne moze dirati.(postoji tester u trgovini npr. dm, muller) Pakovanje je vrlo dobre kvalitete. Imam ga vise od dva mjeseca, mislim, i nista se nije promijenilo. I dalje cujem zvuk klika kada ga zatvaram, tako da mogu biti sigurna da je proizvod siguran i da se nece ostetiti.

Takodjer dobijete malu cetkicu i ogledalce, sto je lijepo, ako zurite i nemate vremena, posluziti ce vam dobro.

Moja nijansa rumenila je 003 Berry Brown. 

Nanosim ga Body&Soul make up kistom za rumenilo i funkcionira odlicno.  Lako se nanosi, ne trebate mnogo proizvoda, tekstura je svilenkasta i puderasta, u isto vrijeme. Pigmentacija je odlicna, mozete ga samo jednom nanijeti na kist, i nanijeti na lice i gotovi ste. Tako je lako. Ne trebate ponavljati postupak puno puta.

Ne mijenja se tokom dana.

Cijena: 8-10 eura(kupljeno u Njemackoj)

Za mene, ovo je rumenilo koje uvijek koristim, nije preskupo, lako je dostupno i traje dugo na kozi.

Svima ga preporucam :-)

Jeste li isprobale ovo rumenilo? Zelite li? Koje je vase najbolje rumenilo?

Hvala na citanju. Lijep dan vam zelim, xo Thea

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