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New In #1 (with Short Reviews) & ARTDECO most wanted palette First Impression :-)

Hello my dear,

today I will show you what have I bought last couple of weeks :-) There is not too much but I hope you will enjoy. Let's start:

Firstly I have bought Astor Matte Style Lip Lacquer in 230 Live your own style.
What they say: "Intense color & velvet smooth finish." (5ml)

-I really love this colour, even more when it is fall, like colour of red wine, just so beautiful. I have a lot lipsticks in this colour but I wanted to try this one out and it is amazing and longlasting, you can eat (but not something greasy) and drink it will stay on the lips :-)

This P2 Hands&Nails Color Correcting pen (mit Grapefruit-Aroma) I did not tried yet, but I think it will work. Nailpolishes from P2 are best buy, they are only 2€ but they are so longlasting and such pretty colours.

I bought blue eyeliner from P2 limited collection called "Fabulous Beauty Gala" and at first it was amazing, with such an easy application, I thought this will be my go to eyeliner no matter his blue colour but then after couple of hours, the eyeliner was cracked on my lids. I've never experienced something like this. I do not know what is wrong with his formula or something else, but I was so dissapointed, such an easy application and then ... :-(

Essence Happy Girls Are Pretty Contouring set:
I have not tried the contour colour yet, but the highlighter colour is ok, maybe a bit too much powdery. We will see...

Also I bought this Rival de Loop concealer and lipliner.
Concealer is in shade 03, and lipliner in 07 plum.
I alredy spent three or four of these concealers, and I have one in reserve, just in case :-) I just love how it works on my skin, but I need to tell you that it has some strange smell. But it does not stay long, just when you first apply it. But if someone does not like it, skip on this one :-)
Lipliner is beautiful, but it is not plum color, as the name says, it is red and that surprised me. But it is creamy and easy to apply.

Then we have Catrice Cosmetics Liquid Camouflage high coverage concealer:
-I love it so far. It does great job, I do not have many pimples but covers great redness around my nose and it is longlasting which I love the most.

Now we have eyeshadow palette number one and it is the MAC one in Amber  Times Nine, I really love this palette, I do think it could be bigger, but I love the colours so I do not mind.

Now we have ARTDECO most wanted eyeshadow palette in 07 brown.
My first thought when I saw it was (Y) I love neutral colours, but then...
Packaging is nice, from cardboard but firm. You also get two-sided sponge eyeshadow applicator and a mirror.
Colours are pretty, but I am surprised that not all of them are pigmented as much as some other Artdeco eyeshadows.
Application of this eyeshadows is not the same for all of them, some of them are blending well but others not really.
Also it does not have matte dark brown colour and I was little dissapointed, that is for me minus for this palette because I always need matte dark brown, or atleast some dark matte colour.
I do not know, we will se when I get to use it more.

Artdeco Waterproof Eye Brow Designer 78, I am using this one since I bought it, I think 10 days or more and it is great for me. It is very pigmented and easy to go overboard so you need to be careful with application. When you get used to, it will make your brows look prettier but natural.

Lastly, something that is not makeup related, I bought this beautiful boots from Tamaris.

What do you think guys about this Artdeco palette? Have you used any of this products and do you like them? Comment down bellow and have great and adventurous week :-)

xo Thea

Hej dragi moji,

danas cu vam pokazati sta sam sve kupila u  zadnjih par tjedana :-) Nisam nista previse ali nadam se da cete uzivati. Idemo poceti:

Za pocetak, kupila sam Astor Matte Style Lip Lacquer u nijansi 230 Live your own style.
Sta kazu za proizvod: "Intenzivna boja i barsunasto glatka zavrsnica" (5ml)

-Zaista volim ovu boju, jos i vise kada je jesen, kao boja crnog vina, prelijepa je. Imam mnogo ruzeva u ovoj boji ali htijela sam bas da isprobam ovaj i odlican je i dugotrajan, mozete jesti (ne nesto bas masno) i piti i ostati ce na usnama :-)

Ovu P2 olovku za sitne popravke laka sa grejpfrut aromom jos nisam isprobala ali mislim da ce biti dobra. Lakovi za nokte od P2 su odlicni, samo su 2€ a dugotrajni su i imaju prelijepe boje.

Kupila sam plavi tus za oci iz limitirane kolekcije "Fabulous Beauty Gala" od P2 i na prvu mi je bio odlican, tako se lako nanosio, mislila sam da ce mi biti novi naj tus ikad unatoc njegovoj plavoj boji, ali nakon par sati ovaj tus se raspao tj napuknuo je na mojim kapcima. Nisam nikad dozivjela nesto ovakvo. Ne znam je li nesto pogresno sa njegovom formulom ili nesto drugo, ali bila sam tako razocarana, tako lako nanosenje, i onda ... :-(

Essence Happy Girls Are Pretty Contouring set:
Nisam jos isprobala kontur boju, ali highlighter je ok, mozda malo previse puderast.  Vidjet cemo...

Takodjer sam kupila Rival de Loop korektor i olovku za usne.
Korektor je u nijansi 03, a olovka za usne 07 plum.
Vec sam potrosila mislim tri ili cetiri ova korektora, i imam jedan u rezervi, za svaki slucaj :-) Volim kako se ponasa na mojoj kozi, ali mora vam reci da ima neki cudan miris. Ali ne zadrzava se dugo, samo kada ga tek nanesete. No ako netko bas ne voli to, neka preskoci ovaj ipak :-)
Olovka za usne je lijepa, ali nije boja sljive, kao sto ime kaze nego je crvena i to me iznenadilo. Ali je kremasta i jednostavna za nanijeti.

Imamo i Catrice Cosmetics tekucu kamuflazu:
-Za sada volim ovaj korektor. Odlican je, nemam puno pristica, ali odlicno prekriva crvenilo oko nosa i dugorajan je sto najvise volim.

Sada imamo paletu broj jedan i to je MAC-ova u nijansi Amber Times Nine, zaista volim ovu paleticu, samo mislim da je mogla biti malo veca, ali volim sve boje, tako da nema veze.

Druga paleta sjenila je ARTDECO most wanted u nijasni 07 brown.
Prva pomisao kad sam vidjela ovu paletu bila je (Y) Volim neutralne boje, ali...
Pakovanje je lijepo, od kartona ali cvrsto. Takodjer dobijete dvostrani spuzvasti aplikator za sjenila i ogledalo. Boje sjenila su lijepe ali iznenadjena sam da nisu sve jednako pigmentirane. Nanosenje ovih sjenila nije jednako za sve, neka se ljepse blendaju, neka i ne bas. Takodjer nema mat tamno smedju boju i bila sam malo razocarana, to je za mene minus za ovu paletu jer uvijek trebam mat tamno smedju boju, ili barem neku tamnu mat boju. Ne znam, vidjet cemo kad je stignem jos i vise koristiti.

Artdeco Waterproof Eye Brow Designer broj 78, koristim ovu olovku za obrve otkad sam ju kupila, prije 10ak dana ili vise i za mene je odlicna. Vrlo je pigmentirana i lako je pretjerati tako da morate biti pazljivi s aplikacijom. Kada se naviknete, obrve ce vam izgledati ljepse ali prirodno.

Zadnje, nesto ne vezano za make up, kupila sam ove cizme (Tamaris)

Sta vi mislite o ovoj Artdeco paletici? Jeste li koristili neki od ovih proizvoda i da li vam se svidjaju? Komentirajte i zelim vam odlican tjedan :-)

xo Thea

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